
Asintomáticos: ¿test o no test? Esa es la cuestión Resulta fácil entender que desde que una persona se infecta pasa a ser una fuente de contagio. Lo realmente difícil es saber saber quién es una fuente y quién no, más aún cuando entran en juego personas que, sin siquiera ellos saberlo, están infectadas.  Si todos … Continue reading Covid-19


English What are GISTs? GIST stands for “Gastrointestinal stromal tumour”, since they were thought to be originated from the stroma. However, now we know that the pacemaker cells of the gastrointestinal muscularis propria, called cells of Cajal, are the real origin of this tumour. Cells of Cajal: Their immunophenotype is from both smooth muscle and … Continue reading GISTs


English Introduction: Melanoma is a malignant neoplasm derived from melanocytes, the skin cells that produce melanin, constituting the most deadly of all skin cancers. Location: * Information henceforward will be about cutaneous melanoma. Clinical signs: The following signs increase the clinical suspicion of melanoma: Pathogenesis: Stages: Microscopic aspects: Cells: Shape: polygonal cells: most frequently spindle … Continue reading Melanoma

Summarizing “Pathology of Perineural Spread”

  English Introduction This post is a summary of “Pathology of perineural spread”, a paper from the Queensland Pathology department (Australia).   It is well known that tumour cells can metastasize through blood and lymphatic vessels (the most common pathways). However, there are more ways cancers can spread beyond their primary site and one is … Continue reading Summarizing “Pathology of Perineural Spread”

Barret Esophagus.

English Pathogenesis In order to understand Barret esophagus we should first focus on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), since Barret Esophagus is a complication of chronic GERD. So... what is GERD? GERD is the disorder affecting the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), causing heartburn and acid indigestion. This two symptoms are because of the stomach contents going … Continue reading Barret Esophagus.

Hepatocellular adenoma: molecular approach

English Hepatocellular adenoma, as its noun suggests, is a benign tumour developed from the hepatocytes. From a molecular point of view, three subtypes have been identified: HNF1-α Inactivated hepatocellular adenomas, β-Catenin Activated hepatocellular adenomas and inflammatory hepatocellular adenomas. *Althought they all are defined as bening tumours, its potential of malignant transformation (in different risk grades for each … Continue reading Hepatocellular adenoma: molecular approach